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Wicke Castors Co. Ltd.

18 Guang Feng Bei Lu
Liexiyi, Xiaolan
92 528416 Zhongshan Shi, Guangdong Sheng

E-Mail:   info@wicke-china.com
  +86 760 2212 7111


In the People’s Republic of China, our subsidiary WICKE Castors Co. Ltd., Zhongshan, started producing wheels and castors in 1994. With a modern pressing shop, plastics processing and rubber vulcanization, large series for transport equipment manufacturers are preferably manufactured inexpensively and with the involvement of our worldwide quality and design management system.

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For the sake of better readability of the texts, the masculine form of personal nouns has been chosen. This does not imply any discrimination against the other genders. All genders may feel equally addressed by the contents.